10 Tips For Relieving Depression

Depression Ten Tips

10 Tips for Relieving Depression
by Wambui Bahati

  1. Eat life-giving foods.
    Eating processed and unhealthy foods can leave you feeling drained and low in energy. Your body needs nutritious, vibrant food to stay energetic. If cooking feels overwhelming, try simple options like apples, other fruits, or vegetables. While you may crave sugary or junk foods, they can actually worsen depression. Opt for organic foods when possible, as we still don’t fully understand the effects of chemicals and genetic modifications in our food.
  2. Know that you are not insane.
    Depression is a sign that something is out of balance—whether in your body, your environment, or both. Our world is filled with toxins, stress, and overwhelming challenges. Your body, mind, and spirit are simply reacting to this unnatural environment. Remember, you’re not the one who’s insane—the world around you can be.
  3. Turn the TV off.
    Give yourself a break from the constant stream of negative news. Turn off the TV and put down the newspaper. During depression, this is not the time to focus on tragic events that you have no control over. Instead, protect your peace.
  4. Fake it till you make it.
    Sometimes, acting as if you’re not depressed can actually help. How would you behave if you weren’t depressed? Would you walk, talk, or sit differently? If someone came to your door with a $5 million check, would you send them away because you’re too depressed? Pretend you’re feeling better—your brain can’t always tell the difference between real and imagined emotions. Imagine yourself out of depression.
  5. Dress up.
    Put on your best clothes. Making an effort to look good can help lift your spirits and boost your confidence.
  6. Count your blessings.
    When you’re feeling down, it’s hard to focus on gratitude. But this is the perfect time to reflect on the things you’re thankful for. Remember, many people would gladly trade places with you. Practicing gratitude makes it harder for depression to take root.
  7. Drink water.
    Your body needs water to function properly. Dehydration can make you feel sluggish and mentally foggy. Try to drink plenty of water daily—about half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, aim for 100 ounces of water. Filtered or spring water is best, as tap water in some areas contains chemicals that may affect you.
  8. Listen to motivational content.
    When your inner dialogue isn’t serving you, it’s time to listen to someone else. Play motivational or inspirational audio and music. Let uplifting voices and ideas fill your mind. If you feel like reading, choose something positive and encouraging.
  9. Dance.
    Movement is key to boosting your mood. When you’re depressed, exercise might feel impossible, so start by dancing! Put on music that makes you happy and move your body. Stretch, sway, and dance however you can. Your mind, body, and soul will appreciate the effort.
  10. Remember who you are.
    You are a precious and magnificent part of the universe. There is greatness within you, just as there is within the most remarkable individuals in history. Sometimes we forget how extraordinary we truly are. Have you?