Can You Be Your Own Cheerleader? 

Can You Be Your Cheerleader?

My mother realized that she could be her cheerleader. I don't know how she became aware of this concept. I don't know if there was some traumatic incident in her life - or one particular person or event that made my mother say, "Hey! I can cheer for myself."

My mother made it clear that she did need anybody to approve of her. She was very capable of supporting herself. And she did. My mother didn't even wait for someone to compliment her. My mother was very good at completing herself.

When I was a child – and especially when I was a teenager, I found this trait annoying when I was a child – especially when I was a teenager. I was annoyed that my mother had no problem complimenting herself and telling herself how wonderful she was. I thought to myself, "Is this something we want to do? Is this how people should be?"

Lately, I have thought a lot about my mother. My mother passed a few years ago from Alzheimer's. I think about her and, now, I think how wonderful it must be to know that you don't have to wait for somebody else's approval. How wonderful to compliment yourself, approve of yourself, and be your cheerleader.

Yes, some have a tough time with people who are too sure of themselves. I used to be one of those people. And now I see it as an essential trait - not to the point where you think you are better than everybody else - not to the moment you step on, crush, or put others down. However, To feel good about yourself to the point where you don't put anybody down but can lift yourself. It's about self-confidence. It's about being able to patch herself on the back when nobody else is there to do it. How about that? Do you approve? Do you approve of yourself? Do you agree with this message?